
Power Apps Custom Controls using TypeScript

Create your first component

Create your first component using Power Apps Component Framework in Microsoft Dataverse - Power Apps | Microsoft Learn


Env Side

For this tutorial you need install the following components:

  1. Visual Studio Code (VSCode) (Ensure the Add to PATH option is select)
  2. node.js (LTS version is recommended)
  3. Microsoft Power Platform CLI (Use either Power Platform Tools for Visual Studio Code or Power Platform CLI for Windows)
  4. .NET Build tools by installing one of the following: (At minimum select the workload .NET build tools.)

Power Apps Side

Enable the Power Apps component framework feature

To add code components to an app, you need to enable the Power Apps component framework feature in each environment where you want to use them. By default, the Power Apps component feature is enabled for model-driven apps. To enable an environment to use code components inside its apps:

  1. Sign in to Power Apps.

  2. Select Settings, and then select Admin Center.
    Settings and Admin Center

  3. On the left pane, select Environments, select the environment where you want to enable this feature, and then select Settings.

  4. Expand Product, and select Features.

  5. From the list of available features, turn on Power Apps component framework for canvas apps, and then select Save.
    Enable Power Apps component framework

Extensions for better exp

Extentions for Power Apps Code Components Framework Development

  • Power Platform Tools
  • XML Tools
    • xmlTools.splitAttributesOnFormat: Put each attribute on a new line when formatting XML. Overrides xmlTools.splitXmlnsOnFormat if set to true. (V2 Formatter Only)

Build your code components

npm run build shown error 'EventListenerOrEventListenerObject' is not defined no-undef

Two Solutions

  1. PowerAppsCodeComponents/LinearInput at main · chienhsiang-hung/PowerAppsCodeComponents ( (this would result in error loading in debug mode)

  2. Create your first component using Power Apps Component Framework in Microsoft Dataverse - Power Apps | Microsoft Learn (Better!)

    open .eslintrc.json and edit the rules to add a ["warn"] value for the rule no-undef:

    "rules": {
      "no-unused-vars": "off",
      "no-undef": ["warn"]

    Adjust .eslintrc.json

Packaging your code components


  1. Create a new folder named Solutions inside the LinearInputControl folder and navigate into the folder.

    mkdir Solutions
    cd Solutions
  2. pac solution init --publisher-name Samples --publisher-prefix samples

    The publisher-name and publisher-prefix values must be the same as either an existing solution publisher, or a new one that you want to create in your target environment.

    You can retrieve a list of current values using this query on your target environment:

    [Environment URI]/api/data/v9.2/publishers?


  3. In GitHub Codespace you need to change pac solution add-reference --path ..\..\ to pac solution add-reference --path ../../ for GitHub Codespace bash.

Open Issue

When I run npm start watch it rendered successfully as shown.
npm start watch

But when I imported it into my canvas app it seemed to miss the dragable bar and some properties.
seemed to miss the dragable bar

seems the watch env is different with the dev env @@