Amortized analysis - Implement Queue using Stacks vs. LinkedLIst
What’s Amortized Analysis
The motivation for amortized analysis is that looking at the worst-case run time can be too pessimistic. Instead, amortized analysis averages the running times of operations in a sequence over that sequence.1
Implement Queue
Linked List
Each operation takes exact O(1) time complexity to execute.
What if we are not allowed to use linked list but 2 stacks instead. It would be impossible to achieve right? Though with Amortized Analysis, amortized O(1) is acceptable. We can still try to make some tricks.
Two Stacks - Amortized Analysis
time complexity? In other words, performing n
operations will take overall O(n)
time even if one of those operations may take longer.2
We can see in this solution, for push()
, peak()
, empty()
, they still take exact O(1) time but pop()
While in Amortized Analysis, we averages the running times of operations in a sequence over that sequence.
If the output array already has some elements in it, then dequeue runs in constant time; otherwise, dequeue takes $O(n)$ time to add all the elements onto the output array from the input array, where n is the current length of the input array. After copying n elements from input, we can perform n dequeue operations, each taking constant time, before the output array is empty again. Thus, we can perform a sequence of n dequeue operations in only $O(n)$ time, which implies that the amortized time of each dequeue operation is $O(1)$.1