
AWS Deploy Lambda Function, API Gateway, Invoke/Call another Lambda Function, Save to S3, Public Access etc.

Flow Outline Structure (ABSTRACT EXAMPLE) TableandChart Code Python 3.9 (Architecture x86_64), HTML and CSS main package - matplotlib Layers dataVisLayer (custom) AWSDataWrangler-Python39 numerize (custom) HtmltoPDF Code Python 3.9 (Architecture x86_64) main package - pandas, PyPDF2 custom-fonts Layers wkhtmltopdf pandas fonts PyPDF2 How to Deploy a Lambda Function Regions First check your region. RegionsManagement.png Find the nearest (server) region. NearestRegion.png choose Singapore for Operation (in Asia) Create function Lambda > Functions > Create function

Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock Easy Leetcode Problem Brute Force to Optimized

Problem Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock - LeetCode You are given an array prices where prices[i] is the price of a given stock on the ith day. You want to maximize your profit by choosing a single day to buy one stock and choosing a different day in the future to sell that stock. Return the maximum profit you can achieve from this transaction. If you cannot achieve any profit, return 0.

Power Automate Update Sharepoint List Item Choice Column and Difference Between Choices and Distinct

Update Sharepoint List Item Choice Column power automate add record to sharepoint list choice Power Automate - Microsoft Forms & SharePoint choice field (multi-select) updates You can update the choice list item by this: Or you can check out this article: Microsoft Flow - populate a multi choice field in SharePoint - Office 365 Basics TL;DW Make sure you can generate the following cell value/item: 1 2 3 { "Value": "<iterated item>" } But like Destroyzer mentioned:

Power Automate OpenAI connector and How to Standardize the ChatGPT Response to JSON Format

OpenAI Connector OpenAI (Independent Publisher) - Connectors | Microsoft Learn The OpenAI IP Connector is a tool that allows you to use GPT-3 to complete your prompts in Microsoft Learn. You can write a partial sentence or paragraph and let GPT-3 generate the rest of the text based on your style and tone. You can also adjust the parameters such as creativity, length and temperature to fine-tune the output. The