
Set Up A Universal Cloud Virtual Machine to Build Your Hugo Site

StackBlitz StackBlitz is an instant fullstack web IDE for the JavaScript ecosystem. It’s powered by WebContainers, the first WebAssembly-based operating system which boots the Node.js environment in milliseconds, securely within your browser tab. This allows you to use the web to build the web. StackBlitz is a browser-based IDE that lets you create and share secure, reproducible, and fast dev environments for web and Node.js projects. You can boot a fresh environment in milliseconds, run live templates for bug reports, and debug with Chrome Dev Tools.

Power Platform and Cloud (Azure, AWS) Handover to your colleagues

Handover Documentation: Ensuring a Smooth Transition Power Platform and Cloud (Azure, AWS) Handover to the other employees Power Platform and Cloud Handover Documentation: Ensuring a Smooth Transition This article serves as a guide for smoothly transitioning Power Platform and Cloud (Azure, AWS) responsibilities to a new employee when an individual resigns. As organizations increasingly rely on these technologies, it becomes crucial to ensure a seamless handover process to maintain business continuity.

AWS Deploy Lambda Function, API Gateway, Invoke/Call another Lambda Function, Save to S3, Public Access etc.

Flow Outline Structure (ABSTRACT EXAMPLE) TableandChart Code Python 3.9 (Architecture x86_64), HTML and CSS main package - matplotlib Layers dataVisLayer (custom) AWSDataWrangler-Python39 numerize (custom) HtmltoPDF Code Python 3.9 (Architecture x86_64) main package - pandas, PyPDF2 custom-fonts Layers wkhtmltopdf pandas fonts PyPDF2 How to Deploy a Lambda Function Regions First check your region. RegionsManagement.png Find the nearest (server) region. NearestRegion.png choose Singapore for Operation (in Asia) Create function Lambda > Functions > Create function